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Is Owning Night Vision Legal?

This is generally an easy topic to respond to. The night vision and thermal equipment in the USA are legal. Only California has regulations against illegal sniper scopes from our study.

California regulation specifies that an apparatus, equipment or any similar device intended or modified to be used on firearms is unlawful and requires the user of the appliance to visually distinguish and detect the location of objects during the night, using a simulated infrared light and electronic telescope.

Is Owning Night Vision Legal

However, there are other vision systems for the night.

The US primary law on import and export of NV equipment is that you are unable to export night vision devices internationally without an exclusive permit and it is the same as with the import of NV devices. Shipping between countries is great, so it can't just land abroad.

How is Hunting With Night Vision?

Night vision is by far one of the safest night hunting techniques because of the opportunity to see the target. One of the biggest guns is to know your aim day or night and what is behind it. You don't obey this law and shouldn't fire if you can't find your target.

Is It Legal to Hunt With Night Vision?

Every state is a little different. Any states have exclusive date ranges for night firing. Any of them ban it from hunting such species. Many states allow the night hunting of other species, such as hogs, coyotes, and more.

Federally, there are no rules regarding night vision use while hunting. Each state regulates it to a certain extent. Some have no issues with night vision. They just ban night hunting altogether. Vermin hunting is not regulated regarding night hunting or using NV gear.


Is it legal in the state of California to use Night Vision or Digital Night Vision scopes?

The possession, acquisition, or sale of infrared imaging devices designed to be affixed to a firearm is prohibited under California law. The purpose of this law is to prohibit the use of infrared imaging systems for illegal hunting or other malicious purposes.

In California, digital night vision equipment is legal, although there are some restrictions. It is illegal to use or even have infrared technology in your possession while hunting. Circuitry that intensifies any type of light cannot be used in night vision devices.

In California, using night vision technology for large game hunting is illegal, even if you only have it in your possession. Due to the way the law is written, night vision may not be technically illegal in California, but a game warden may still arrest you and confiscate your equipment.