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How to disassemble a Binocular Lens

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Disassembling a pair of binoculars takes time, patience, and precision. If you have an expensive or new pair of binoculars, contact the manufacturer first. Only disassemble an old, damaged, or cheap pair of binoculars. Before you begin, make sure you have enough time and space. Disassemble the binoculars and identify each item so you can reassemble them. Two scopes (objective lenses) are contained in the binoculars (left and right).

How to disassemble a Binocular Lens

  1. Remove the protective ring or cap from the front end of the binoculars and turn the lens. Each lens will have one cover. Use a strap wrench if you can't loosen the cap by hand. Using pliers or a crescent wrench may scrape and perhaps break the rings.
  2. Spanner wrench the retaining lens out. After removing the outermost cover, a holding ring grips the objective lens.
  3. Use a 1.5mm jeweler's straight slot screw driver to loosen the eccentric ring. A notch in the eccentric objective ring holds the eccentric objective cell. It moves the objective lens. With the eccentric ring removed, the objective cell should be 1 1/2 to 2 inches long, depending on the binoculars.
  4. With one hand, twist off the objective bell housing while holding the objective cell securely. Use a strap wrench to liberate the objective bell housing.
  5. To disassemble the other scope, repeat Steps 1 through 4.